Jeruk nipis dapat mengusir ketombe secara alami

[ Selasa, Oktober 18, 2011 | | 15 comments ]
Hem, sudah gak asing lagi yah dengan ketombe ini. Karena ketombe bisa terjadi pada semua orang.

Rasa gatal membuat seseorang tidak nyaman dengan ketombe tersebut. Belum lagi kalau yang putih-putihnya rontok haduuhh.. Bt deh. Mana pake baju hitam lagi hihihi... malu dong....

Barusan aja browsing tentang gimana sih ngilangin ketombe secara alami?

nah, ternyata di dechache membahas tentang jeruk nipis. Jeruk nipis adalah salah satu buah yang dipercaya bisa mengontrol keberadaan ketombe.

Arthur S Simon, dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin dari Rumah Sakit Pertamina, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Selatan, mengatakan, jeruk nipis dapat melunturkan minyak (sebum) di kulit kepala. Dengan begitu, habitat atau tempat bersarang jamur yang merugikan pun dapat dikurangi.

Selain bisa mengendalikan sebum di kepala, jeruk nipis juga bisa memberikan efek segar dan nyaman, terutama bagi kepala berketombe yang kerap dihinggapi rasa gatal. Buah yang kaya dengan kandungan vitamin C ini juga bisa membuat rambut tampak sehat dan cantik berkilau.

Cara penggunaannya tidak sulit. Sebelum keramas, usapkan irisan jeruk nipis atau perasan jeruk nipis pada kulit kepala, terutama di daerah berketombe. Diamkan sekitar 15 menit sebelum membasuh dan berkeramas.

Dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin dari RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, Eddy Karta, juga merekomendasikan penggunaan tea tree oil sebagai salah satu bahan alami pengusir ketombe. Menurut Kim, sudah banyak tea tree yang dijual dalam bentuk kemasan jadi sehingga penerapannya lebih mudah.

Tumbuhan dari Australia ini memiliki kemampuan sebagai antiseptik dan antijamur. Selain mengatasi ketombe, tea tree juga sering digunakan untuk mengatasi gangguan kulit lainnya, seperti kutu air, jerawat, eksem, psoriasis, infeksi jamur, bisul, dan infeksi kutu.

Nah, jika kalian punya masalah ketombe, gak ada salahnya mencoba gunakan jeruk nipis untuk mengusir ketombe.
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Lagu Jantung Ini - Rikhie Asbo

[ Jumat, Oktober 14, 2011 | | 3 comments ]
Dah lama gak ngepost di blog nih... (dah berapa bulan yo gak update..
eh... sekalinya ngepost koq cerita tentang lagu xixixi....

Kemaren pas tanggal 6 oktober, diriku kedatangan tamu dari bogor yang lagi promo single barunya. Lagu ini sih sebenernya dah familiar (hehe... maklum dah kenal juga ma orangnya via facebook), coz aq dah donlot lagunya via youtube. Eh,,, pas kmren si yang punya lagu promo tour ke indramayu.

Singkat cerita akhirnya kita ketemuan di jatibarang dan lihat perform dia nyanyi JANTUNG INI deh...

Nih dia lagunya. Enak juga di dengerinnya :)

Silahkan di dengerin ya....
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Findings about dna testing

[ Jumat, Agustus 12, 2011 | | 0 comments ]
Focus of the most active criminal investigation of the crime scene for evidence linking the suspect, and for more than a century, science has played an increasingly important role of about dna testing. Fingerprinting applied to the criminal investigation began in the 1880s. Shortly after the principles of blood typing abo reported in 1900, its relevance to the forensic investigation became apparent. in human leukocyte antigen typing of 1960 became a major serological tool for personal identification, though in practice, it is useful for only a small sample.

Finally, in the 1980s brought about the about dna testing, which allows researchers to perform the identification of accomplishments is almost unbelieveable. With current techniques, it is possible for one person to be distinguished from all the people who never lived to use dna from a single hair root.

Principles and techniques used for forensic dna typing is also very useful for other purposes. dna profiles are widely used in solving the problem of parents in humans and animals, and quickly replaced the serological analysis) for that purpose. Besides, the about dna testing is an indispensable tool for positional cloning, a technique in which a previously unknown genes identified by finding associations or relationships between markers dna and inheritance of the disease.
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Warning signs of cervical cancer

[ Rabu, Mei 18, 2011 | , | 0 comments ]

We often hear these days about 'cervical cancer'. This cancer is becoming something scary for women. According to the data, in Indonesia it is estimated every hour there is one person who died from cervical cancer this. So, what’s cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the cervical region. That is the area in which the female reproductive organ is the entrance to the uterus. It lies between the womb with female copulation canal (vagina). Cervical cancer or more commonly known by the term cervical cancer is cancer that is caused by the virus Human Papilloma Virus or HPV abbreviated. This virus is oncogenic (cancer causing). HPV is transmitted through sexual contact and through the use of the same personal items, such as the use of shared towels, clothes together. Human Papilloma virus is highly resistant to heat and drying process. To prevent cervical cancer, we need to know the warning signs of cervical cancer.

In the early stages, this disease does not cause symptoms that are easily observed. That's why, you are already sexually active highly recommended to do Pap smear test every two years. Physical symptoms of this disease are generally only felt by patients with advanced cancer.

Here are the warning signs of cervical cancer:
  1. Incidence of vaginal discharge mixed with blood and smelled of
  2. Pelvic pain and impaired or can not even urinate
  3. Excessive vaginal discharge and abnormal.
  4. Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.
  5. Drastic weight loss.
  6. If the cancer has spread to the pelvis, then the patient will suffer from back pain complaints
  7. Also obstacles in urination, and kidney enlargement.
  8. The emergence of pain and bleeding during intercourse (contact bleeding).
It was now found vaccination to prevent cervical cancer, even this vaccination can be given to young women from the age of 10 years. Surely this is exciting news for all women. Hopefully the above information we can find out more about cervical cancer and the warning signs of cervical cancer.
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Signs of cervical or ovarian cancer

[ Sabtu, Mei 07, 2011 | , | 2 comments ]
Family's happiness is the dream of every couple. And one of the characteristics of a family harmony is maintained relationships between husband and wife and blessed with a child. But, family harmony is often disturbed by the presence of disease which threatens women specifically cervical cancer.

This cancer attacks a vital part of a woman, so that could disrupt harmony of husband-wife relationship. What are the signs of cervical or ovarian cancer?

Here are the signs of cervical or ovarian cancer that can be recognized, general signs and symptoms is the occurrence of vaginal bleeding after sexual activity or between

Menstrual periods. Meanwhile, another sign that may arise include:
  1. Disappearance appetite and weight
  2. Painful pelvis and spine
  3. Painful on limbs (legs)
  4. Occur swelling in the feet area
  5. Discharge faces accompany urine through the vagina
  6. Until hip fractures occur
From the signs of cervical or ovarian cancer above can hopefully benefit for us and recognize the signs.
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